Searches And Hires

Florida Terminates Equity Mgrs.; Discloses Commitments

A Florida plan terminated two equity managers and disclosed commitments in the first quarter.

Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor
Midwest Police Plan Posts Investment Manager RFP

A Midwestern police pension plan has issued an RFP for investment management services.

Searches And Hires Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor
Mid-Atlantic Treasurer Rehires Investment Pool Manager

A local government investment pool near our nation’s capital has rehired its investment pool manager.

Daily Feed
Northeast Plan Hires Large-Cap Value Manager

A pension fund in the Northeast concluded its large-cap value equity manager search.

Searches And Hires
Western Conservation Program Seeks Investment Mgr. For Endowment Funds

A conservation program in the West is seeking a financial investment firm to manage and hold existing and future endowment funds.

Credit/Private Debt
Mid-Atlantic Plan Eyes Private Credit Commitments

A D.C.-area county pension fund will make first-time private credit commitments moving forward.

Real Assets
New England Plan Hires Timber/Farmland Managers

A pension fund in New England has hired timber/farmland managers.

Southwest Plan Discloses Private Commitments; Adjusts Cash Policy

A Southwestern plan disclosed private commitments and adjusted it cash policy.

Searches And Hires Consultant/OCIO/Discretionary
Northeast School District Issues Investment Consultant RFQ

A Northeastern school district issued an RFQ for investment consulting services yesterday.

Non-U.S. & Global Equity
Midwest Plan Terminates Int’l Equity Mgr; Adds Real Estate Commitment

A Midwestern plan terminated an international equity manager and added a real estate commitment this week.
