Searches And Hires

Florida Plan To Interview Private Credit Consultant Finalists; Sets Non-Core RE Pacing Plan

A Florida pension fund will interview three private credit consultant finalists in May and approved a new non-core real estate pacing plan at its board meeting yesterday.

Domestic Equity
Florida Plan Makes Smid-Cap Hire

A Florida pension plan funded a domestic small- to mid-cap equity manager at the start of the month.

Asset Study/Review
West Coast Plan Approves New Asset Allocation

A West Coast county pension plan approved a new asset allocation at its investment committee meeting yesterday.

Daily Feed
New England Plan Seeking International Equity Managers

A county pension fund in New England has begun its international equity manager search.

California Plan Makes Private Commitments

A California pension plan made five private commitments at today’s board meeting.

West Coast Plan Discloses Private Commitments

A pension fund on the West Coast disclosed four private commitments at its board meeting yesterday.

Daily Feed
Western Foundation Postpones Discretionary Investment Advisor Search

A Western foundation has postponed its search for a discretionary investment advisor for its investment portfolio.

Searches And Hires
Western Public School Fund Seeks High-Yield, Preferred Securities Mgrs.

A Western public school fund  has issued RFPs seeking a high-yield fixed-income manager and a firm to provide preferred securities investment management services within its endowment.

Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor
Midwest University Foundation Seeks Advisor For New Donor Fund

A Midwestern university foundation has issued an RFP seeking a firm to manage a donor-advised fund.

Midwest University Begins ESG-Policy Review

A university in the Midwest has started a review of its ESG policies for current and prospective investment managers.
