Searches And Hires

Asset Study/Review
Southern Trust Fund Adds New Asset Classes To IPS

A Southern trust fund formally added two new asset classes to its investment policy statement in the fourth quarter.

Southern 529 Plan Slated To Consider Fixed-Income Manager Replacement Recommendation

A Southern 529 plan was slated to review potential replacement recommendations for a fixed-income manager at its first quarter board meeting.

Industry News
Alaska College Seeks CFO

An Alaska-based college is looking to hire a cfo.

Industry News
Western Foundation Searching For Investment Operations Specialist

A Western foundation is searching for an investment operations specialist to help manage the administration and operations of its investment team.

Searches And Hires Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor
Canadian College Selects Investment Firm

A Canadian college selected a firm to provide investment management services for its endowment funds in the fourth quarter.

Searches And Hires Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor Consultant/OCIO/Discretionary
West Coast City Launches Investment Consultant Search

A West Coast city has issued an investment consultant RFP.

AFM-EPF Settles Lawsuit Claiming Trustees Made “Risky” Investments

A musicians pension fund settled a lawsuit on March 25 that claimed trustees made “risky” investments. 

Real Return
Southern Teachers Plan Makes PE, RE Commitments

A Southern state teachers plan discloses private equity and real estate commitments.

Midwest Plan Axes Opportunistic Mgr.; To Conduct Replacement Search

A Midwest plan terminated an opportunistic manager and plans to conduct a replacement search.

Alternatives Searches And Hires Private Equity
New England Plan Issues PE Consultant RFP

A New England pension plan has issued its private equity consultant RFP.
