The university added a new hedge fund manager and committed to an existing private equity manager within its endowment in the third quarter.
A mid-Atlantic church has issued an RFP seeking an investment advisor to oversee and manage two portfolios.
The foundation approved investments with two Black-led strategies as it looks to achieve its goal of allocating half of its portfolio to diverse-owned managers by the end of 2025.
The search follows a structure review that calls for two core and core-plus managers.
The investment fund is seeking large-market private equity buyout and non-core infrastructure strategies.
The retirement fund made commitments totaling $2.7 billion in August.
The plan is looking to invest $350 million with multi-strategy hedge fund-of-funds managers.
The plan committed to three private equity funds following finalist interviews at a meeting today.
The union pension plan is seeking core or intermediate government/credit managers.
The plan’s current international equity manager recently saw the departure of a portfolio manager.