Searches And Hires

Hedge Funds
Midwest Fund Considering Hedge Fund RFP

A pension fund in the Midwest is considering launching a hedge fund RFP.

Southwest Plan Makes Infrastructure Hire

A pension fund in the Southwest has concluded its infrastructure search.      

Searches And Hires Consultant/OCIO/Discretionary
Southwest State Plan Rehires General Investment Consultant

A state plan in the Southwest has concluded its general investment consultant search.

Searches And Hires
Midwest Plan Readies Large-Cap Value RFP

A Midwest pension fund is gearing up to release a domestic large-cap value RFP next week.

Administrator/Record Keeper
Pacific Northwest Retirement Plans Hire New TPA

A Pacific Northwest-based county has hired a new third-party administrator and investor advisor.

Non-U.S. & Global Equity
New England University Considers New Global Equity Allocation, Managers

A New England university is considering a new global equity allocation and managers this week.

Searches And Hires
Anonymous Nonprofits Issue RFPs For Consultant, Outsourced CIO Services

An anonymous Southern endowment will search for an investment consultant in the coming weeks while another South-based endowment is in the midst of a search for outsourced cio services.

Industry News
New England University Searching For Investment Analyst

A university in New England is searching for an investment analyst to assist with portfolio analyses, investment manager due diligence and manager monitoring efforts.

MRI/Social Investments
Midwestern University Reduces Energy Exposure

A university based in the Midwest has reduced its exposure to certain energy sectors.

Southern University Invests With Existing Managers

A Southern based university approved investments with existing investment managers within its endowment at last month’s investment committee meeting.
