A California-based pension plan will conduct searches in both the domestic and international equity spaces.
A large county pension fund on the West Coast disclosed recent investment transaction and hedge fund terminations.
A Florida university has engaged an investment consultant to help with a comprehensive review of service providers, investment options, technology and education opportunities for its 403(b) savings plan.
A New York-based nonprofit is searching for an investment advisor for its approximately $110 million to $120 million in investments.
A pension fund in New England has concluded its GTAA manager search by retaining its incumbent.
A pension fund in New England hired a new emerging market debt manager to replace Western Asset Management.
A California county has issued an RFP for deferred compensation plan services.
Plan intends to scour the international small- to mid-cap equity manager space after placing to international small-cap firms on watch last month.
An Ohio fund may discuss a search for domestic mid-cap value equity managers next month.
A transit pension plan in the West Coast has instructed its investment consultant to begin a real estate manager search.