Searches And Hires

Searches And Hires Consultant/OCIO/Discretionary
Northeast Town Issues Investment Advisory RFP

A pension fund in the Northeast has issued an RFP seeking investment advisory services.

Asset Study/Review
Western Foundation Revises Asset Allocation

A Western foundation revised its asset allocation last year, modestly increasing its allocations to equity and fixed-income.

Domestic Equity
Southern Methodist Foundation Adds Domestic Equity, HF Strategies

A Methodist foundation in the South added domestic equity and hedge fund investments to its portfolio last year.

Real Estate
Western Trust Fund Adds Non-Core Real Estate Strategy

A Western trust fund added a non-core real estate strategy to its portfolio last month.

Searches And Hires
Northeast Plan Considering EMD, Secondary Consultant RFPs

A pension fund in the Northeast is considering searching for emerging market debt managers and a secondary private equity consultant.

MRI/Social Investments
Southern Foundation To Continue Impact Investment Initiative Following Funding Of Initial Fund

A Southern foundation will continue its place-based impact investing initiative in the future after completing the funding of its initial impact investment portfolio.

West Coast City Fund Hires 5 Small-Cap Equity Managers

A city pension fund on the West Coast has hired five domestic small-cap equity managers.

Industry News
Investment Firm Hires ESG-Focused Staff

An investment firm has filled a position focused on ESG-related duties.

Searches And Hires Consultant/OCIO/Discretionary
Texas Plan Seeking Firm To Perform Independent Review

A pension fund in Texas has issued an RFP for a firm to perform an independent review of its investment process and performance.

Deferred Compensation
West Coast 457 Plan Seeking Investment Services

A West Coast-based 457 plan is conducting a search for investment advisory services.
