A Great Lakes pension plan is searching for general investment consulting services.
A West Coast retiree trust fund will search for private equity, real estate and global macro managers beginning in February.
A Northeastern pension plan has issued its domestic small-cap equity RFP to replace Fisher Investments.
A Northeast pension plan will issue RFPs for global low volatility managers and domestic small-cap equity managers.
Four nonprofits are conducting consultant and outsourced cio searches.
A Southern health system approved a recommendation to conduct a search for high-yield fixed-income managers.
A foundation based in Canada is looking to divest from the coal, oil and gas sectors within five years while making an effort to make more sustainability-related investments.
A New England pension plan will explore other alternative investment opportunities to its domestic small-cap value mandate with Fisher Investments.
A city retirement system in the Northeast has begun a search for a passive index manager.
A North American association has issued an RFP for investment management services.