A Midwest state plan has issued an RFP for up to two active emerging markets equity managers.
A city plan in Florida has issued an RFP seeking general investment consulting services.
A state plan in the Northeast issued its RFP seeking a passive short-term fixed-income manager today.
A school system in a Mid-Atlantic state has issued an RFP in search of record keeping services.
A Mid-Atlantic county deferred compensation plan issued an RFP in an effort to consolidate its service providers.
A state authority in the Northeast has issued an RFP for deferred compensation plan consultant services.
A police plan in the Midwest is searching for investment management and master custodial services.
A large city pension fund in Florida has issued its investment consultant RFP.
A California-based pension plan will conduct searches in both the domestic and international equity spaces.
A large county pension fund on the West Coast disclosed recent investment transaction and hedge fund terminations.