A Canada-based college has issued an RFP for a firm to oversee and manage its investment portfolio.
A Florida-based foundation has issued an RFP seeking investment management services.
A regional transportation authority in the Northeast has issued an RFP for a firm to handle its defined benefit retirement assets.
A Mid-Atlantic pension plan has issued an RFP for private markets discretionary investment consulting services.
A pension system in the South has issued an RFP seeking a third-party administrator.
A Midwestern city pension plan will launch searches for both real estate and infrastructure managers.
A pension plan in the Southwest is conducting a search for derivatives managers.
An authority in the Pacific Northwest has issued an RFP for investment consulting services.
A pension fund in the Northeast will issue an RFP for private debt managers in October.
A Midwestern pension plan has issued an RFP for private equity fund-of-funds services.