The plan adopted a new asset allocation last month.
The city is seeking a manager to handle its $45 million in non-pension assets.
The plan hired a passive international equity manager to replace an active mandate in May.
The search is due to the June 30, 2025 contract expiration of the plan’s incumbent.
The defined contribution plans have issued a general investment consultant RFI for best practices.
A foundation based in the Midwest allocated to an emerging markets equity strategy with a focus on sustainability last year.
The retirement plan is screening for managers in the securitized credit, short-term investment grade and bank loan asset classes.
The plan also disclosed two new commitments.
A foundation based in Chicago is looking to hire an outsourced cio provider to oversee its investment portfolio.
The seed-stage venture manager recently closed its third core fund with commitments from a limited partner base that includes nonprofits, outsourced cios and investment managers.