The college savings plan wrapped up its search for a general investment consultant to advise on its portfolio after issuing an RFP earlier this year due to the impending contract expiration of its incumbent provider.
The project basis-consultant will conduct an asset/liability study on behalf of the county’s three plans.
The plan is seeking firms that offer North American-focused fund-of-funds.
The plan is looking to invest 2% of its assets with an emerging markets small-cap equity manager.
The plans first hired the incumbent in 2015.
The plan made a follow-on commitment to a U.S. defense sector specialist.
The pension plan will conduct an invitation to bid to fill its 25% public real return allocation.
The pension plan will liquidate its entire domestic equity roster.
The pension plan terminated its incumbent domestic core-plus fixed-income manager last month due to underperformance.
The searches follow asset class reviews by the plan’s general investment consultant.