Searches And Hires

New England Plan Launches Search For Investment Consultant

The state agency has initiated a search for an investment consultant due to the upcoming contract expirations of its incumbent providers, which are allowed to rebid.

Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor
Southwestern School Issues Investment, Banking RFP

The school has issued an RFP seeking firms to provide banking and investment services, including consulting and advice on the investment of funds.

Searches And Hires
Western State Fund Considers Adding Core Bond, Int’l Equity And PE Secondaries Strategies

The trust fund will consider adding core fixed-income, international equity and private equity secondaries strategies with new investment managers to its portfolio during its board meeting this week.

Midwestern State Treasurer Launches Consultant Search

The treasurer’s office has issued an RFP seeking a general investment consultant for several of its portfolios.

Administrator/Record Keeper
College Savings Plan Manager Partners With Record Keeper For 529 Plans

The investment manager for four 529 plans has teamed up with another firm to provide record keeping and other services for the college savings programs.

Venture Capital
Midwestern Agency Wraps Up Search For Venture Managers

The agency has selected five venture capital fund managers to launch an $100 million venture capital fund targeting startups in the state.

MRI/Social Investments
Midwestern Foundation Taps Manager For Impact Fund

The foundation has teamed up with an women-owned impact investment manager to launch an impact investment fund focused on health equity across several states.

Northeast Pension Issues Core Fixed-Income RFP

The plan is searching for a core fixed-income manager to handle $25 million.

Administrator - Bundled
Southwest DC Plans Seeking Bundled Provider

The city is looking to consolidate its current two vendor model.

Administrator/Record Keeper
Midwest City Posts Record Keeper RFP For DC Plans

The city has issued an RFP seeking record keeping, administrative and compliance services for its plans.
