Searches And Hires

Credit/Private Debt
Southwest Plan Seeking Bank Loan, CLO Strategies

The searches result from a new strategic asset allocation.

Non-U.S. & Global Equity
Michigan Pension Fills Out Global Equity Portfolio

The retirement system hired three global equity managers to replace its dedicated international and emerging markets equity allocations in the first quarter.

Administrator - Bundled
Northeast DC Plan Rehires Bundled Provider

The deferred compensation plan rehired its incumbent bundled provider to conclude a search launched last year.

Northeast Institution Issues Investment Consulting RFP

The university has issued an RFP seeking an investment consultant to serve as a discretionary advisor for its foundation’s endowment.

Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor
Pacific Northwest County Sticks With Investment Advisor

The county issued an investment advisor RFP in September and most recently rehired the incumbent in 2019.

Real Estate
New England Plan Seeking Core Real Estate Managers

The plan is looking to invest with two open-end core real estate managers.

Private Equity
West Coast Plan To Consider PE Commitment

The plan also disclosed two recent private markets commitments.

Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor
Northeast Authority Rehires Investment Manager

The authority issued its annual RFQ for investment management services in December.

Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor
New England State Treasurer’s Office Issues Portfolio Management RFP

The office has issued an RFP seeking a firm to provide portfolio management services for its trust and custodial accounts totaling approximately $50 million.

Midwest State Pension Posts Consultant RFP

The retirement fund had been expected to post the RFP today.
