Searches And Hires

Private Equity
Eastern Pension Plan Mulls A/A Changes; Bolsters Private Equity Portfolio

The pension plan received a recommendation from staff to amend its private equity sub-asset class targets last week.

International / Global / Emerging Markets
Southern Pension Begins Int’l Small-Cap Equity Search

The search will not include the plan’s two incumbent firms.

New England Pension Names Mid-Cap Growth Finalists

The plan expects to hire a new domestic mid-cap growth equity manager later this month.

Emerging/Diverse Managers
Northeast Plan Terminates Two Emerging MoMs

The two emerging managers-of-managers were first hired in 2020.

Southern City Seeking Independent Investment Consultant

The city is seeking a firm to review the appropriateness, adequacy and effectiveness of its investments.

Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor
Southern College Searching For Investment Advisor

The college based in a Southern state is is looking for a firm to provide non-discretionary portfolio management services for the investment portfolio.

Midwest University Approves Climate Solutions, VC Commitments

The university approved recommendations to commit to climate solutions and venture capital strategies within its endowment at its March board meeting.

Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor
Mid-Atlantic College Issues Investment Management RFP

The college is searching for an investment manager to handle its other post-employment benefits fund.

Passive Fixed-Income
Great Plains Fund Moves Public Credit Portfolio To Passive Management

The fund approved consolidating its public credit portfolio into a passive U.S. aggregate bond index to improve operational efficiency, reduce fees and reduce active risk at its March board meeting.

West Coast Foundation Rehires Outsourced CIO Following RFI Process

The foundation has rehired its incumbent outsourced cio following an invitation-only RFI process to determine whether it should be put services out for bid.
