The treasury will issue an RFP next year for its liquidity and reserve accounts.
The retirement system is seeking one or more managers to handle a mandate expected to range from $200 million up to $400 million.
The pension plan recently made $1.5 billion in total commitments and terminated two existing managers.
The plan’s existing high-yield fixed-income managers had been on watch for performance reasons.
The trust will also consider a core-plus real estate manager in May.
A total of $359 million is up for grabs.
The retirement system approved private markets commitments at its board meeting today.
A Texas-based deferred compensation plan will review emerging markets equity managers to replace its incumbent mandate this week.
The retirement system is encouraging firms to respond to one or more services that include general consulting, private credit and hedge fund consulting and private equity and real estate consulting.
The plan’s general investment consultant will bring a search report next month.