
Domestic Equity Small-Cap Equity
Wichita Eyes International Equity Allocation Changes, Manager Searches
The $1.1 billion Wichita (Kan.) Retirement Systems is considering changes to its international
Domestic Equity Small-Cap Equity
Calif. County Plan Seeking Small-Cap Value
The $535 million Merced County (Calif.) Employees Retirement Association is currently conducting a
Domestic Equity Small-Cap
Missouri Plan Approves Smid-Cap Changes
The $12 million City of Clayton (Mo.) Non-Uniformed Employees Pension Plan approved the hire of two
Domestic Equity Small-Cap Equity
West Palm Beach Police Makes Large-Cap Value Hire; Terminates DFA
The $229 million West Palm Beach (Fla.) Police Pension Fund made a domestic large-cap value equity
Domestic Equity Real Estate Small-Cap
SURS Hires Fairview For Emerging Manager PE FoF; Makes RE Commit
The $14.9 billion State Universities Retirement System of Illinois has hired Fairview Capital
Domestic Equity Hedge Funds Small-Cap
Spokane Makes Alts. Commitments
The $256 million Spokane (Wash.) Employees Retirement System approved a pair of alternative
Domestic Equity Small-Cap Equity
Hollywood Makes Int'l Value, Smid-Cap Growth, RE Hires
The $255 million Hollywood (Fla.) General Employees Retirement System made three manager hires at
Domestic Equity Small-Cap
Private Foundation Seeking Small, SMID-Cap Core
A private foundation in the Midwest with $12.5 million in assets is seeking a domestic
Domestic Equity Small-Cap
Adams County Terminates Janus
The $207 million Adams County (Colo.) Retirement Plan terminated a domestic small- to mid-cap
Domestic Equity Small-Cap Alternatives
Arkansas Plan Makes Allocation Changes
The $1.1 billion Arkansas Local Police & Fire Retirement System approved investments totaling $121