A Midwestern college savings trust authority has adjusted the underlying fund investment options for two of its plans, adding small-cap equity, emerging markets equity, core bond and real estate options.
The plan has issued its RFP seeking international small-cap equity managers.
The plan was slated to discuss potentially replacing an existing manager as part of a review at today’s board meeting.
The plan has begun its high-yield fixed-income manager search
The plan will issue five RFPs this year, beginning with high-yield fixed-income this week.
The plan concluded its search for core fixed-income and TIPS managers.
The plan will consider replacing its international small-cap equity mandate with MFS Investment Management in May.
The plan terminated two small-cap equity managers as part of a newly approved domestic equity portfolio structure.
The plan hired two domestic small-cap value equity firms after interviewing finalists at today’s board meeting.
The plan hired a domestic small- to mid-cap core equity manager from a search that began in September.