
Domestic Equity Small-Cap
Tulsa Moves Small-Cap Portfolio To Smith, Graham & Co.
The $343 million Tulsa (Okla.) Municipal Employees Retirement Plan will move its small-cap value
Domestic Equity Small-Cap Fixed-Income
Mendocino County Expands Fixed-Income Roster
The $240 million Mendocino County (Calif.) Employees Retirement Association has hired PIMCO to
Domestic Equity Small-Cap
San Fran To Issue Smid-Cap Growth RFP
The $16 billion San Francisco City and County Employees Retirement System will likely issue an RFP
Domestic Equity Small-Cap Equity
Pa. County To Vote On Small-Cap, Int'l Equity Searches
The $180 million Lancaster County (Pa.) Employees Retirement Fund is expected to vote at its Feb.
Domestic Equity Small-Cap
Mich. Plan Narrows Small-Cap Search
The $34 million Owosso (Mich.) Retirement System will interview domestic small-cap equity managers
Domestic Equity Small-Cap
Jacksonville P&F Makes Smid-Cap Hire
The $780 million Jacksonville (Fla.) Police & Fire Pension Fund has hired small- to mid-cap growth
Domestic Equity Small-Cap Equity
Virginia Plan Makes Small-Cap Value Hire
The $1.3 billion Educational Employees’ Supplementary Retirement System of Fairfax County (Va.) has
Domestic Equity Small-Cap Consultant/OCIO/Discretionary
Plymouth To Issue Consultant RFP
The $500 million Plymouth County (Mass.) Retirement Board has approved a search for an investment
Domestic Equity Small-Cap Equity
Pa. County Hires 4 Equity Managers; Terminates CIM
The $48 million Carbon County (Pa.) Retirement System made several manager hires and terminated
Domestic Equity Small-Cap Fixed-Income
Ohio 529 Plan Makes Investment Changes
The $5.9 billion Ohio Tuition Trust Authority announced changes to its investment management