The fund is looking for emerging managers-of-managers to handle domestic small-cap and large-cap equity portfolios.
The plan hired two firms in the domestic small-cap equity space to replace a previously terminated manager.
The plan will conduct the search to replace an underperforming incumbent.
The plan terminated a domestic small-cap core equity manager and made a private equity commitment with an existing manager this week.
The plan will consider shifting its active international large-cap equity manager to a passive option this week.
Plans add emerging markets equity and international small-cap investments for diversification purposes.
The plan will issue an RFP in the spring for domestic small-cap equity managers.
Most of the firm’s equity will continue to be held by employees.
The system approved replacing its incumbent domestic small-cap value equity manger with a new firm to better align its portfolio with its sustainable investment goals this week.
Plan added several new asset classes as part of asset allocation targets approved at today’s board meeting.