
Domestic Equity Small-Cap Consultant/OCIO/Discretionary
San Jose Police & Fire Hires NEPC
The $2.8 billion San Jose (Calif.) Police and Fire Department Retirement Plan approved hiring New
Domestic Equity Small-Cap
ISBI Makes Emerging Manager Hire
The $12.7 billion Illinois State Board of Investment has hired Fiduciary Management Associates to
Domestic Equity Small-Cap
UFCW & La. Teachers Terminates Bear Stearns
The $1.5 billion United Food & Commercial Workers Pension Fund, Midwest and the $15.4 billion
Domestic Equity Small-Cap
Naperville To Interview Small-Cap Finalists
The $74.5 million City of Naperville (Ill.) Police Pension Fund will interview small-cap managers
Domestic Equity Small-Cap Equity
FIU Hires Int’l Equity Manager, Small-cap Hire Delayed
The $236 million Florida International University hired international equity manager
Domestic Equity Small-Cap
Louisiana School Seeking Small-Cap Value
The $1.6 billion Louisiana School Employees Retirement System has approved a search for small-cap
Domestic Equity Small-Cap Emerging/Diverse Managers
CalPERS Funds Emerging MoM, Makes MDP Investment
The $240 billion California Public Employees” Retirement System has allocated $150 million to
Domestic Equity Small-Cap
Fairfax County Educational Postpones Small-Cap Growth, Core Searches
The $2 billion Educational Employees Supplementary Retirement System of Fairfax County (Va.) has
Domestic Equity Small-Cap Emerging/Diverse Managers
San Joaquin To Interview Two For Emerging Manager Program
The $2.2 billion San Joaquin County (Calif.) Employees Retirement Association will interview
Domestic Equity Hedge Funds Small-Cap
Ormond Beach Eyes Smid-Cap, Hedge FoF
The $90 million City of Ormond Beach (Fla.) pension funds will discuss searching for small- to