The plan added its domestic small-cap value equity manager to watch as it gears up to go out to bid.
The plan’s general investment consultant will conduct a search for a domestic small-cap equity manager to complement its small-cap value manager.
The plan is conducting a replacement search after terminating its incumbent domestic small-cap value equity manager.
The plan approved a new 2% target to China equity at a meeting today.
The plan does not currently have an active small-cap firm after terminating the previous manager earlier this year.
Plan will conduct further due diligence on three firms in its domestic small-cap and small- to mid-cap equity emerging manager space.
The team joins First Eagle from Royce Investment Partners.
Plan agreed to terminate a dedicated emerging markets small-cap manager at this week’s investment committee meeting.
The plan opted to shift its domestic small-cap equity portfolio to a passive strategy.
A foundation in the South added a global equity manager and replaced an international small-cap equity manager within its endowment in the first quarter.