Foundations and endowments are taking a cautious approach to the markets and when to capitalize on upcoming investment opportunities the coronavirus pandemic will provide long-term investors.
A Southern pension plan has postponed presentations in a domestic small-cap value equity manager search.
A deferred compensation plan is seeking passive equity and fixed-income managers.
A West Coast pension plan has issued its RFP for domestic core fixed-income managers.
A Midwestern city pension plan terminated a domestic large-cap value equity manager and placed four other firms on watch last month.
A Midwestern pension plan will issue an RFP for private equity co-investment consulting services later this month.
A Southeastern pension plan will conduct a shortlist international small-cap equity manager search.
A Midwest pension plan selected domestic small- and mid-cap core equity finalists this week.
A West Coast pension plan approved hires in its domestic small-cap equity emerging manager search last week.
A Southeastern plan will consider changes to its domestic equity and international equity portfolios this week.