A Western state plan is considering altering its portfolio along with changes to its investment manager roster at its board meeting today.
A West Coast pension plan is scheduled to begin a search for international small-cap equity managers later this month.
A police plan in the Midwest is conducting a search for emerging market debt managers.
A state pension fund has issued an RFP for investment consulting services on behalf of its defined contribution and deferred compensation plans.
A pension fund in New England has begun its fixed-income manager search
A California-based pension plan will conduct searches in both the domestic and international equity spaces.
Plan intends to scour the international small- to mid-cap equity manager space after placing to international small-cap firms on watch last month.
Plan will hear a recommendation to search for small-cap value managers as well as interview three international equity finalists at next week’s meeting.
An airport authority in New England has issued an RFP seeking investment consulting services.
A California pension fund will conduct a search for fixed-income emerging managers following last week’s approval.