
Hedge Funds
Ohio Plan To Eliminate Equity Hedge Target; Makes Small-Cap Hire

An Ohio pension plan will eliminate its equity hedge target as part of a new hedge fund policy approved this week.

Domestic Equity
Great Lakes Plan Hires Active Smid-Cap Mgrs.

A pension plan in the Great Lakes region has hired two active domestic small- to mid-cap equity managers last quarter.

Non-U.S. & Global Equity
Illinois Plan Updates Watchlist

An Illinois-based pension plan added one firm to watch and removed another this week.

Southeast Plan Eyeing U.S. Small-Cap Growth Exposure

A Southeast pension plan is considering the addition of a domestic small-cap growth equity manager.

Florida Plan Issues Small-Cap Equity RFP

A pension plan in Florida has issued an RFP that is open to small-cap core or value equity managers

Credit/Private Debt
Western Plan Changes Managers; Adds New Asset Class

A state fund in the Western U.S. altered its portfolio alongside changes to its investment manager rooster during a recent board meeting.

Domestic Equity
Great Lakes Plan Slates Small-Cap Core Interviews

A first responders plans in the Great Lakes region will hold domestic small-cap core equity finalist interviews next week.

Domestic Equity Small-Cap Fixed-Income
East Coast OPEB Dips Toes in Emerging Markets Equity, Global Fixed-Income

An OPEB Trust located on the East Coast made maiden investments in emerging markets equity and global fixed-income.

Credit/Private Debt
Western State Plan Considers Manager Changes, Adding New Investments

A Western state plan is considering altering its portfolio along with changes to its investment manager roster at its board meeting today.

Non-U.S. & Global Equity
West Coast Plan To Launch Int’l Small-Cap Mgr. Search

A West Coast pension plan is scheduled to begin a search for international small-cap equity managers later this month.
