
Domestic Equity Small-Cap Equity
Holyoke Begins Emerging Markets Equity Manager Search; To Seek Int'l Equity, Small-Cap
The $246 million Holyoke (Mass.) Retirement System has begun its active emerging markets equity
Domestic Equity Real Estate Small-Cap
R.I. Plan Begins Int'l & Domestic Small-Cap, RE Debt Searches
The $110 million City of Newport (R.I.) Pension Plan has issued RFPs for international and domestic
Domestic Equity Small-Cap
Texas Emergency Services To Discuss Smid-Cap, RE
The $93 million Texas Emergency Services Retirement System is scheduled to discuss several
Domestic Equity Small-Cap
Atlanta Police Terminates SouthernSun, Sasco; Names 5 For Next Generation Program
The $982 million Atlanta Police Officers’ Pension Fund has terminated domestic small-cap core
Domestic Equity Small-Cap
Public Plan Seeking Small-Cap Managers
A $600 million public defined benefit plan in the southeastern U.S. is searching for domestic
Domestic Equity Small-Cap
Atlanta Fire Seeking U.S. Small-Cap Core Managers
The $633 million Atlanta Firefighters’ Pension Fund is conducting a domestic small-cap core equity
Domestic Equity Small-Cap
Monroe County Hires Smid-Cap Manager
The $190 million Monroe County (Mich.) Employees Retirement System approved the hire of a domestic
Domestic Equity Small-Cap
Mass. Plan Makes Small-Cap Mgr. Hires
The $274 million Taunton (Mass.) Contributory Retirement System has hired two active domestic
Domestic Equity Small-Cap Alternatives
Fla. Hires Int'l Small-Cap Manager; Makes Commitments
The $186.2 billion Florida State Board of Administration hired an international small-cap equity
Domestic Equity Small-Cap
St. Louis Police Swaps Small-Cap Value Managers
The $686 million Police Retirement System of St. Louis made a change in domestic small-cap value