The returns for U.S. endowments dipped in 2019 but rose for the 10-year period ending June 30 as the remnants of the financial crisis continued to fade into the past, according to the 2019 NACUBO-TIAA Study of Endowments.
The assumption that divestment can hurt the total return of an endowment is based on speculation, according to CJ Ryan, co-author of a recent research paper that found no discernible evidence that divestment of fossil fuels can negatively impact the total return of an endowment’s portfolio.
Nonprofits should focus on the purpose various alternative asset classes serve in their portfolio across market cycles as the unprecedented bull market continues into 2020, industry experts say.
Nonprofits expect to focus on governance and best practices within their investment committees as means to better achieve their overall missions, according to a new SEI study.
Expectations for the equity and bond markets in 2020 continue to be cautiously optimistic after a 2019 market that left bearish investors wishing they had kicked that sentiment down the road a year or two.
While many do not expect the market to perform in 2020 quite like it did in 2019, nonprofit investors are still not expecting their real spending targets to come under heavy pressure in the near-term as they gauge the economic cycle and its ability to sustain its growth trajectory.