
Emerging/Diverse Managers
Investing In Diversity: HBCUs Discuss Aligning Mission With Endowments

Historically black colleges and universities (HBCU), representing more than $2 billion in endowment assets, have the opportunity to raise awareness and bring change to the underrepresentation of diverse-owned investment managers in the approximately $70 trillion asset management industry, allocators and industry experts said.

Health Plans Should Diversify Portfolios To Reduce Risk, Enhance Returns: White Paper

A global consulting firm suggests healthcare organizations “with the appropriate appetite” diversify away from U.S. Treasury bonds and invest in opportunistic credit funds, private debt and hedge funds to reduce risk and enhance return, according to a recent white paper.

Conference Coverage
Behavioral Risk Must Factor Into Investment Management: Panel

Group think, herd mentality and confirmation bias are three key behavioral issues that can impact investment committees, according to panelists during the Resilience: Creating the All-Weather Portfolio session.

Industry News Surveys/Studies Emerging/Diverse Managers
Foundations Ahead Of Institutional Investors When Investing In Diverse-Owned Firms

Foundations continue to lap the rest of the institutional investment space when it comes to investing with diverse- and women-owned firms, a new study finds.

MRI/Social Investments
Mid-Atlantic University Approves Fossil Fuel Divestment Initiative

A Mid-Atlantic university approved divesting its endowment of fossil fuel companies this week.

Not All Manager Track Records Are Created Equal, But Private Equity Persistence Is Evident: Report

Private equity persistence is evident in pre- and post-2000 vintages, but prior track record should only be used as a “valuable reference point” for investors as it needs to be placed in context with factors such as the strategy and organization that created it, a new study finds.

Surveys/Studies Emerging/Diverse Managers Asset Study/Review
Western University Launches Emerging Manager Initiative

A Western university has launched an investment program to increase its use of women- and minority-owned investment managers.

Long-Term U.S. Endowment Returns Rise Despite 2019 Dip: Study

The returns for U.S. endowments dipped in 2019 but rose for the 10-year period ending June 30 as the remnants of the financial crisis continued to fade into the past, according to the 2019 NACUBO-TIAA Study of Endowments.

Industry News
Investment Consulting Firms Merging

Two investment consulting firms will merge with a combined $180 billion in assets under advisement.

Shift In Approach to ESG Investing Globally: Study

Investors are shifting their approach to ESG investments, according to a new study.
