
Extensive and timely coverage of the institutional industry.

People Moves
Western University Launches CIO Search

The university has begun its search for its next investment head as its cio will step down from the role toward the end of the year to focus on his board of directors roles, teaching and philanthropic endeavors.

People Moves
Midwest University Seeks Director Of Investments

The university is seeking a director of investments to be involved in all stages of the investment process from sourcing, origination, due diligence and implementation of investment opportunities to subsequent monitoring and portfolio management.

People Moves
Western School System Eyeing Investment Analyst

The institution is seeking an investment analyst to conduct and deliver quantitative and qualitative analysis for its endowment.

Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor
Western Plan Seeks Endowment Manager

The plan has issued an RFQ seeking a firm to manage its endowments and restricted funds as well as develop comprehensive periodic financial reports.

People Moves
New England School Names New Finance Head

The school hired a new cfo to oversee its financial and business matters, including its endowment, in the third quarter as its finance head left for a role at a nearby institution.

People Moves
Mid-Atlantic University Names Finance V.P. & COO

The university has hired a new v.p. for finance and coo to help oversee its fiscal and investment responsibilities following a search for the position from earlier this year.

People Moves
Mid-Atlantic University Foundation Seeks Investment Mgr.

The foundation is seeking an investment manager to manage its endowment with a focus on public market investments.

Western University Foundation Seeks Chief Investment Consultant

The foundation has issued an RFP seeking a chief investment consultant to oversee the governance and decision-making structure related to its investments.

Southern University Adds Hedge Fund, Private Equity Strategies

The university added a new hedge fund manager and committed to an existing private equity manager within its endowment in the third quarter.

People Moves
GTCR Adds Managing Director, Principal

The firm has hired two new employees and announced four staff promotions.
