Extensive and timely coverage of the institutional industry.
The selected firm will serve an initial one-year term beginning on Jan. 1.
The pool is seeking a firm to provide services related to investment advisory, administrative and investment management, member, custodial and auditing.
Plan had been expected to launch a search this year due to the impending contract expiration of its incumbent.
The investment officer joins from another West Coast county pension plan.
The plan had placed Western Asset Management on watch earlier this year.
The agency expects to commence a contract on July 1.
The funds surpassed their respective targets.
The retirement fund currently works with fixed-income consultant RVK.
The county rehired the investment consultant that serves on behalf of its defined benefit plan, OPEB trust and LOSAP program trust.
Institutional investor interest in and adoption of ESG factors has increased in the last decade, a new survey finds.