
Extensive and timely coverage of the institutional industry.

People Moves
PanAgora Taps First Global CIO, New CEO

The firm appointed its first global cio as well as a new president and ceo.

Administrator - Bundled
Rocky Mountain City Savings Plans Seeking Record Keeper RFP

The plans currently utilize MissionSquare Retirement.

People Moves
West Coast Plan Hires Assistant Administrator For Investments

The new hire joins the plan from a national investment consulting firm.

Industry News
ARCH Venture Partners Closes 13th Fund

The firm’s 13th fund closed with more than $3 billion.

Non-U.S. & Global Equity
Midwest Pension Plan To Conduct Int’l Small-Cap Search

The pension plan has directed its staff and general investment consultant to conduct a targeted RFP process to replace a terminated international small-cap equity manager.

Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor
Calif. City Posts Investment Advisor RFP

The West Coast city does not currently utilize an investment advisor.

Private Equity
Midwest Pension Plan Makes PE Commitments

The pension plan committed $100 million total to an existing private equity manager relationship last week.

People Moves
Southern Fund Looks To Add Investment Staffers

The fund is conducting searches for a director of risk management as well as analysts for public equity and hedge funds to help in the oversight and management of its endowment funds.

Searches And Hires
Southern Fund Eyes Direct Investment Opportunities In the State

The fund is looking for opportunities to directly invest in companies based in the state as part of its plan to emphasize the state, identifying and developing new relationships with firms in the state, including emerging managers, as well as seeding strategies created in the state.

People Moves
New England College Adds Board Members

The college added three new members, including two investment professionals, to its board of trustees to serve four-year terms beginning this summer.
