Extensive and timely coverage of the institutional industry.
The new consultant will begin its new five-year contract in February.
The fund’s new investment officer started her career there over a decade ago.
The changes include the departure of the plan’s cio.
The city is seeking investment advisory services on behalf of its short- and medium-term portfolios.
The plan committed to three non-core real estate funds last week.
The agency’s investment portfolio is currently managed in-house.
The pension fund approved the search for a maiden private markets consultant at a board meeting earlier this month.
The foundation has promoted its managing director of investments to serve as cio and oversee its endowment as its previous investment head left to serve as cio at an investment firm.
The plan promoted from within for the roles overseeing the $41.2 billion fixed-income portfolio and $144.9 billion global equity portfolio.
The retirement system made four private equity commitments for pacing purposes at today’s board meeting.