Extensive and timely coverage of the institutional industry.
The fund approved an infrastructure commitment with a new investment manager earlier this month.
The plan also added a second bond fund option for participants last quarter.
The college is searching for a firm to provide investment counsel and management services for its portfolio.
The foundation is conducting the RFP process to fulfill its fiduciary duty.
The new hire will be joined by other senior real estate team members from his former employer at a later date.
The new investment advisor’s contract went into effect on Dec. 10.
The appointment will go into effect following the departure of Chief Financial Operating Officer Ryan Skor on Jan. 3.
The search for a new cio comes as the institution’s current investment head recently left the role after more than seven years of service.
The plan approved implementing an intermediate strategy at its November meeting.
The county utilities authority is seeking the services for its in excess of $50 million in cash and fixed-income assets.