
Extensive and timely coverage of the institutional industry.

Domestic Equity Non-U.S. & Global Equity
New Mexico Educational Seeking Int'l Value, Growth
The $8.4 billion New Mexico Educational Retirement Board has issued an RFP for international value
Industry News
Knowledge Investment Partners Launches 2nd Hedge Fund
Knowledge Investment Partners has launched an education and related information services company
Domestic Equity
Cape Coral Plans Terminate DHJ
The City of Cape Coral‘s $61 million municipal firefighters” pension trust fund and $53 million
Alternatives Private Equity
Oregon Investment Fund Hires Two VC Firms
The Oregon Investment Fund has hired venture capital firms Sherbrooke Capital and Nth Power. The
People Moves
Davidson Hires CIO
Edward Crotty has been named senior v.p., cio and portfolio manager at Davidson Investment
Domestic Equity
Pyramis Hires Mid-Cap Growth Portfolio Manager
David Rose has been named portfolio manager of institutional mid-cap growth equity at Pyramis
People Moves
Morgan Stanley Hires Managing Director
Jay Dweck has been named managing director and global head of Morgan Stanley‘s strategic analytics,
Domestic Equity Emerging/Diverse Managers
Indiana PERF To Seek Emerging Managers
The $16.1 billion Indiana Public Employees Retirement Fund will begin seeking minority- and
Alternatives Real Assets
Maryland Seeking Active Fixed-Income; Considers Infrastructure
The $35 billion Maryland State Retirement and Pension System is seeking an active core-plus
Domestic Equity Alternatives Private Equity
Worcester Seeking GTAA
The $710 million Worcester (Mass.) Retirement System is seeking a global tactical asset allocation