
Extensive and timely coverage of the institutional industry.

Domestic Equity Non-U.S. & Global Equity
Penn. Municipal Seeking International Growth Manager
The $1.4 billiosn Pennsylvania Municipal Retirement System is seeking an international growth
Domestic Equity Hedge Funds Alternatives
Alaska Permanent Fund Seeking Global Equity Managers
The $34.6 billion Alaska Permanent Fund Corp. is searching for global equity managers after
Hedge Funds Alternatives
IPERS Seeking Portable Alpha Managers
The $17 billion Iowa Public Employees Retirement System is seeking two to three enhanced cash
Domestic Equity Hedge Funds Alternatives
N.J. To Seek Emerging Markets Manager-of-Managers; Makes Hires
The $79.4 billion New Jersey Division of Investment expects to begin searching for an emerging
Domestic Equity
Texas Plan Monitoring AllianceBernstein
The $460 million El Paso (Texas) City Employees Pension Fund is currently monitoring large-cap
Emerging/Diverse Managers
LACERS Hires Progress
The $9.9 billion Los Angeles City Employees Retirement System has hired emerging
People Moves
Houston Municipal CIO Retiring
The $2 billion Houston Municipal Employees Pension System announced that CIO Neal Wallach will
Domestic Equity Small-Cap
Merced May Terminate Wasatch
The $430 million Merced County (Calif.) Employees Retirement Association will decide at its Oct. 26
Real Estate Non-U.S. & Global Equity
Milwaukee To Seek International Real Estate
The $4.4 billion Milwaukee Employees” Retirement System will search for international real estate
Domestic Equity Hedge Funds Alternatives
Manchester Assessing Impact Of Amaranth Investment
The $120 million Manchester (Conn.) Retirement Allowance Fund is assessing the effect an investment