
Extensive and timely coverage of the institutional industry.

Domestic Equity Small-Cap
Longmont Hires Luther King Capital
The $82 million City of Longmont (Colo.) Retirement System hired Luther King Capital Management to
People Moves
Evergreen Promotes Two In Institutional Sales Division
Ann Bradshaw and Lori Buffum have been promoted to directors of public sector institutional sales
People Moves
Arden Hires Managing Director
John Rogers has joined Arden Asset Management as a managing director, the firm announced today.
Emerging/Diverse Managers
Maryland To Discuss Emerging Managers Allocation
The $34.6 billion Maryland State Retirement & Pension System may issue an RFP in June for a third
Domestic Equity Real Estate Non-U.S. & Global Equity
Montana Set For International Equity, Real Estate Searches
The $11.2 billion Montana State Board of Investment will issue an RFP for international equity
Domestic Equity Fixed-Income
Wisconson Follows Ex-Citigroup CIO To New Firm
The $67.5 billion State of Wisconsin Investment Board terminated Citigroup Asset Management from a
People Moves
Nicholas-Applegate Boots Head Of Quant. And Systematic Group For 'Behavior'
Stacey Nutt, head of the quantitative and systematic group at Nicholas-Applegate Capital
People Moves
LaSERS Executive Director To Become CIO At South Carolina
Robert Borden, executive director of the Louisiana State Employees Retirement System has resigned
Real Estate Alternatives Private Equity
Calif. County To Issue Consultant RFPs Tomorrow
The $1.6 billion Santa Barbara County (Calif.) Employees Retirement System will issue RFPs tomorrow
Hedge Funds Alternatives
New Orleans Hires 14 Hedge Fund Managers
The $397 million New Orleans Employees Retirement System hired 14 hedge fund managers to handle a