
Extensive and timely coverage of the institutional industry.

Domestic Equity
Atlanta Seeking Small-Cap, Mid-Cap
The $900 million Atlanta General Pension Fund is looking to hire a small-cap and a mid-cap manager.
WSIB Seeks Specialty Consultants
The $66.9 billion Washington State Investment Board has issued an RFQ to create two specialty
Domestic Equity Hedge Funds Alternatives
Fairfax County Employees Hires FrontPoint
The $2.5 billion Fairfax County (Va.) Employees Retirement System hired FrontPoint Partners to
People Moves
Cliffwater Hires Director
Richard Teisch was hired as a director at alternative investment consultant Cliffwater. Teisch,
People Moves
Bear Stearns Adds To Consultant Relations Group
Jonathan Freedman was named a managing director in Bear Stearns Asset Management‘s Consultant
Hedge Funds Alternatives Surveys/Studies
Idaho Endowment To Review Assets
The $965 million Idaho Endowment Fund Investment Board will review its asset mix in the fall and
Domestic Equity Real Estate
Private Foundation To Increase Emerging Markets, Real Estate
The $84 million Edyth Bush Charitable Foundation is looking to increase its emerging markets and
Real Assets
St. Louis College Investing In Commodities
The $66 million St. Louis College of Pharmacy is currently looking for managers to fill a 5% maiden
Domestic Equity
ICMA-RC Hires Mid-Cap Growth Manager
ICMA Retirement Corp. hired Credo Capital Management as a mid-cap growth manager, Tedd Alexander
Alternatives Private Equity Cash/Currency
Ohio Police & Fire Hire Active Currency Managers
The $10.7 billion Ohio Police & Fire Pension Fund hired active currency managers Mellon Capital