
Extensive and timely coverage of the institutional industry.

People Moves
Opus President Steps Aside
John Kavanaugh, president of Opus Investment Management, will leave the firm at the end of this
Domestic Equity Real Estate Small-Cap
West Springfield Looks To Diversify
The $56 million West Springfield (Mass.) Contributory Retirement System may look to invest in
Hedge Funds Alternatives Private Equity
N.H. City To Have "˜Philosophical Discussion" On Private Equity
The $116 million Manchester (N.H.) Employees” Contributory Retirement System may decide by April
Domestic Equity Non-U.S. & Global Equity
Seattle To Seek Active International Manager
The $1.7 billion Seattle City Employees Retirement System hopes to issue an RFP for an
Domestic Equity
Nevada Adds To Passive Allocation
The $19 billion Nevada Public Employees Retirement System increased its passive equity allocation
Domestic Equity
St. Louis Firemen Hires NYLIM
The $415 million St. Louis Firemen’s Retirement System hired New York Life Investment Management to
Domestic Equity Non-U.S. & Global Equity
Southbridge Issues RFP for International Manager
The $18 million Southbridge (Mass.) Retirement Board has issued an RFP for an international equity
Domestic Equity Small-Cap
UPDATE: Worcester Issues RFP for Small-Cap Value
The Worcester (Mass.) Regional Retirement Board issued an RFP today for a small-cap value manager
Fixed-Income Emerging/Diverse Managers Non-U.S. & Global Equity
Illinois Univ. Plan Hires 3 For Mgr. Development Program
The State Universities Retirement System of Illinois hired three fixed-income managers for its
People Moves
PIMCO Snags Former Assistant Treasury Secretary
Fixed-income fund manager PIMCO has named former Assistant U.S. Treasury Secretary Richard Clarida