
Extensive and timely coverage of the institutional industry.

Domestic Equity
Clinton Hires Madison After Adjusting Large-Cap Portfolio
The $84 million Clinton Township (Mich.) Police & Fire Retirement System hired Madison Investment
People Moves
Valenzuela Founder Retires
Thomas Valenzuela, founder of value equity firm Valenzuela Capital Partners, has been bought out by
People Moves
N.Y.C. Employees Hire Executive Director
The New York City Employees Retirement System named Diane D”Alessandro as executive director of the
People Moves
SEC Associate Director For Investment Management To Leave
David Smith, associate director of the Security & Exchange Commission’s Division of Investment
Domestic Equity
Ohio Plan To Issue $200M Active Currency RFP
The $10 billion Ohio Police & Fire Pension Fund will issue an RFP for a $200 million active
Alternatives Private Equity Consultant/OCIO/Discretionary
Ill. Teachers To Issue Private Equity Consultant RFP
The $34.5 billion Teachers Retirement System of Illinois will issue an RFP for a private equity
Hedge Funds Alternatives
Okla. Firefighters To Search For Fund-of-Hedge Funds Manager
The $1.5 billion Oklahoma Firefighters Pension & Retirement System will issue an RFP for a
Domestic Equity
Oakland To Interview Mid-Cap Core Finalists
The $598 million Oakland (Calif.) Police & Fire Retirement System will interview four managers for
Domestic Equity
Charlotte Replaces Large-Cap Manager
The $298 million Charlotte Firefighters Retirement System hired Aronson + Johnson + Ortiz to manage
Industry News
Mercer Launches Retirement Outsourcing Business
Mercer Human Resources Consulting has launched a total retirement outsourcing business for defined